Why Your Body Language Is Causing You To Lose Job Offers

Have you heard of a term called body language? Don’t be fooled! As deceiving as the name is, body language is not a language. Body language is the way you communicate your feelings. This is shown through your posture, gestures, facial expressions and movements. It tends to be especially significant for interviews. 

An interviewer can tell a lot about you based on your body language. It only takes seven seconds to make a first impression, which is a really short time to make a good impression. In interviews especially, first impressions tend to matter! Don’t know what the right body language is? Don’t worry, Resubae has got you covered!



Interviewers aren’t exactly mind readers but they can tell a lot based on your posture. The way you carry yourself tells a lot about you. If you have a tendency for crossing your arms and looking towards the ground, you send signals of being unavailable or “closed”. You want to stand up with your feet slightly apart, push your shoulders back, and keep your chin up. 

You need to be aware of your posture at all times from the moment you enter the building until you leave. You can mirror the interviewer’s body language to set them at ease. Just don’t fully mimic them!


It is crazy to think that something as simple as sitting can create numerous implications too. A hiring manager takes note of how you sit, as strange as that sounds so posture matters! Slumping for example is a major red flag. It gives the impression that you are scared, lack self-confidence and respect for the interviewers. But leaning back in the chair gives the impression that you are not taking the conversation seriously. 

So what is the perfect posture for sitting? Experts suggest that you place both feet flat on the ground or cross your ankles if necessary. Your legs should be still and uncrossed if possible. Crossed legs and arms imply that you are emotionally withdrawn from the conversation. 

A good posture is when you are sitting straight, feet perfectly placed on the floor, chin up and shoulders down. This pose displays confidence. The first thing you could look out for in the interview room is a straight-backed chair.



It is quite common for many people that if they are nervous or anxious they tend to play with their hands. A lot of people are guilty of tapping their fingers, fiddling with jewellery or picking their nails. These examples don’t leave a great impression as they can come off as being bored or impatient. 

To avoid our hands going crazy there are two potential strategies to keep them relaxed. One strategy is to form your hands into a triangle. This displays confidence and keeps your hands under control. Keeping your hands in your lap is another method. This helps relax your shoulders as well as your hands. 

Unless you’re hiding a million baht you have got nothing to hide. Keep your palms open and upward facing. Keep your hands visible at all times to avoid any suspicion!


Eye contact

This is one of the most important aspects that you must get correctly. Maintaining the right balance of eye contact is so significant during interviews. An interviewer can tell how confident and engaged you are based on your eye contact. Looking people in the eyes will give the impression that you are attentive and trustworthy. 

You want to avoid too much eye contact. This impression will make you seem aggressive and creepy. However, you also want to avoid too little eye contact as this will make you appear to be nervous. 

A great way to practice this is with friends or family. Have a conversation with either one and ask them for feedback. Maintaining eye contact may be uncomfortable but it does leave an impression.



A lot can be said about how a person is feeling based on their breathing. If your breathing rate is short and shallow, it is an indication that you are feeling nervous. This will affect the way you speak, potentially making you sound shaky and quiet. Breathing is another important aspect of body language. 

Breathing helps control your heart rate which is based on whatever emotion you are feeling. So if you are nervous for example, your heart tends to be a little faster than usual. Breathwork, therefore, is an important aspect you should master.

A great method to control your breathing is by trying the 4-7-8 technique. The technique is simple, you start by inhaling for four seconds. You then hold your breath for seven seconds. Follow that with eight seconds of exhaling. This technique is known to help control your breathing. 

During the interview, don’t forget to take a few deep breaths whenever you can. It’s not illegal to take a few deep breaths! This will help you stay calm and lead to a steady and confident voice.



“A warm smile is the universal language of kindness”. A smile goes a long way and it should be something you incorporate in your body language. People are naturally drawn to a happy face. However, you want to avoid using a fake smile as these are often noticeable. 

The best way to practice is by using a mirror. Think of washrooms, elevators or private rooms where you can see your own reflection. Look at yourself in the mirror and practice your smile. A smile should scream your accomplishment but also your excitement for the opportunity.

A beautiful smile can be a game-changer, and more often than not make someone’s day!

Being responsive

Don’t fall into the trap of the Gen Z attention span. According to research, Gen Z tends to have an average attention span of 8 seconds. In the interview, it is important to remind yourself to focus and not lose attention!

Being responsive and an active listener not only shows that you are engaged in the conversation. It also shows that you are genuinely interested in the position. You can smile, nod and lean slightly forward when the interviewer is speaking. Pay close attention to the tone of their voice, their facial expression and body language. You should really match that or mirror them. 

Anyone can master the right body language. All you have to do is keep these aspects in mind when you are doing an interview. Being aware of all these aspects can play a key role in your ability to get a job. In the end, practice makes perfect. 

This is your opportunity to show that you are confident, ready and the right person for the job. Remember, first impressions matter! If you are still feeling unsure, then don’t worry! Resubae has got you covered, contact us and we will be there to help you ace your body language.

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