The Biggest Work Dilemma

Do you know what one of the biggest dilemmas faced by fresh grads is? No, it’s not about what to have for dinner. It is the work and experience dilemma. You have likely heard of how people can’t get a job because they don’t have experience, or others who can’t get experience because they […]
The Question Many People Get Wrong

Can you please tell me a bit about yourself? This is one of the most common interview questions ever. It sounds easy because it is an opportunity to talk about yourself. Who knows you better than yourself right? Don’t fall into that trap because there is more than what meets the eye. If you are […]
What To Do If YOU Have Been Rejected By a Job

Searching for jobs is difficult but the rejections that come with it are harder to deal with. However, it is important to not get discouraged by job rejections. The sad reality is that they occur more than one would think. Despite that, there are reasons to remain hopeful for the future. For example, did you […]
What are the most valued soft skills that employers look for?

Soft skills are personal attributes that enable someone to interact effectively with other people. These are very important personal attributes that you as a person need to have to succeed in the workplace. Soft skills include things like your personality, attitude, flexibility, motivation, and manners. But let’s get into more detail shall we? Today we […]
Career Planning?

“Find the one thing that you are naturally good at and enjoy doing, then find someone who will pay you to do it. That is the key to being successful and happy.” We often realize this a little too late, and study something we were taught pays a lot or what mommy likes. Quite often, […]
First Impressions Count!

A first impression is made within 30 seconds, and there are no second chances to make a great one. So how to rock yours? Well, there are many components that contribute to making that impactful first impression on recruiters. Start with thinking about how you look, dress, and present yourself. You want to look professional! […]