Hard Skills to learn in 2021

Practice, practice, practice. We have all heard this especially when we are trying to master or perfect something. Especially when it comes to jobs, practising is important. Examples include practising for job interviews, presenting or other job-related functions. In today’s world, having unique hard skills are a big thumbs up for employers and recruiters alike. Hard skills help you stand out from other candidates. But what exactly are hard skills?


Hard skills 101

Don’t be intimidated by this terminology as it is not rocket science and we will help you understand it. Hard skills are unique skills and knowledge achieved through education, practise, and repetition. Examples of hard skills include speaking a second language, knowledge of particular software. Essentially anything that you can learn and improve with consistent practice. They help you tackle job-specific duties and responsibilities.


Differences between hard skills and soft skills

To avoid any potential confusion we are going to help you go out there. If you haven’t come across our sibling, our soft skill blog, then make sure to check it out here. So what is the biggest difference between the two? First thing’s first, hard skills tend to focus on practical abilities and skills. Examples include having a unique skill set or having extensive knowledge in a particular topic. Basically, anything that you can teach yourself and perfected through repetitive practice. Soft skills tend to focus on behaviours and personalities. They refer to unique character traits. They are personal and interpersonal skills that someone may have. Examples include flexibility, time management, empathy and countless others. The key difference here is that soft skills tend to be harder to teach. They are uniquely associated with specific behaviours and personalities of individuals. You’re asking yourself if it is possible to have both, and the answer is absolutely!


Where can I learn this power?

There is no secret passage or hidden world where you can learn these skills. You can learn about hard skills in a variety of ways. Classes, vocational training, workshops, or while working in the field you are in


Hard Skills on LinkedIn

Are you using LinkedIn? Great, we’ve noted down the most important hard skills according to LinkedIn in today’s world. This includes the likes of:


  • Blockchain
  • Cloud Computing
  • Analytical Reasoning
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • UX Design
  • Business Analysis
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Sales
  • Scientific Computing
  • Video Production

What if my hard skills are not on the list?

Do not worry if your hard skill is not on this list. Each job requires a different set of hard skills so you can find the right jobs that meet your hard skills. If you are unsure about what your skills are then do not worry as we can help you explore them. Our career planning service is there to help you find out more about yourself. Our service will help you explore your strengths, your interests and more in a face to face session. Head to our website or contact us so we can plan your next steps to your dream job!

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